Third-grader's think-aloud protocols : types of reading activities in reading an expository text

Gonny Schellings, C. (Cor) Aarnoutse, Jan Van Leeuwe

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In the present study, we examined the reading activities of young readers, while reading an expository text. A total of 24 third-graders was administered a think-aloud task on two occasions. Their protocols were analysed by a coding system that captured two levels of the reading process: the word identification level and the reading comprehension level. Three indices reflecting three different types of reading activities were discerned: reading errors, reproduction, and activities referring to reading strategies. Correlational analyses showed the reading strategy index to be related to reading comprehension as measured by standardized tests. The think-aloud task constitutes a valuable instrument for examining strategic reading among young readers.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)549-568
JournalLearning and Instruction
Issue number6
Publication statusPublished - 2006
Externally publishedYes


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