Thermal contact resistance in carbon nanotube enhanced heat storage materials

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Solid-liquid phase change is one of the most favorable means of compact and economical heat storage in the built environment. In such storage systems, the vast available solar heat is stored as latent heat in the storage materials. Recent studies suggest using sugar alcohols as seasonal heat storage materials for their large storage capacity, moderate melting point, and evident supercooling effects. However, the heat transfer in such materials is sluggish and hence carbon structures are proposed to enhance their overall heat conductivity. In this work, we focus on sugar alcohol - carbon nanotube system, analyze the heat transfer in the radial direction of the nanotube using molecular dynamics simulations. The thermal contact resistance is calculated using Nos´e-Hoover dynamics and is found dependent on the diameter of the tubes. We validate our results using water - nanotube simulations. Then the simulation method is extended to sugar alcohol - nanotube systems.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 2015
Event2nd European Conference on Non-equilibrium Gas Flows - Eindhoven University of Technology, Eindhoven, Netherlands
Duration: 9 Dec 201511 Dec 2015


Conference2nd European Conference on Non-equilibrium Gas Flows


  • Nano-scale heat transfer
  • thermal contact resistance
  • molecular dynamics
  • heat storage materials
  • sugar alcohol


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