The value of inventor status

S.A.M. Dolmans, S. Shane, J. Jankowski, I.M.M.J. Reymen, A.G.L. Romme

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contributionAcademic


Technology licensing officers play an important role in influencing the commercialisation of university inventions. Because the rights to inventions of faculty, staff and students at U.S. universities, as well as most universities in Europe, belong to the institutions where those inventions were made, technology licensing officers regulate which inventions should be commercialized. In this respect, technology licensing officers evaluate invention disclosures and select the inventions they believe are valuable to industry. However, most university inventions are in such an early stage of development that there is much uncertainty regarding the commercial potential of these inventions. Existing research shows that in situations where there is uncertainty about the quality of an innovation, decision-makers are likely to rely on status characteristics in their evaluation. To examine the effect of inventor status on the evaluation of licensing officers, we conducted 3 randomized experiments with technology licensing officers at Carnegie I research universities in the United States. Our experiment reveals that licensing officers are influenced by inventor status and that the inventions of high status inventors are considered more valuable to industry. We discuss the implications of these findings for university technology commercialization.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationProceedings of European University Network on Entrepreneurship (ESU), University of Southern Denmark, Kolding
EditorsT. Bager, H. Neergaard
Place of PublicationKolding, Denmark
Publication statusPublished - 2012
Eventconference; ESU European University Network on Entrepreneurship; 2012-08-19; 2012-08-25 -
Duration: 19 Aug 201225 Aug 2012


Conferenceconference; ESU European University Network on Entrepreneurship; 2012-08-19; 2012-08-25
OtherESU European University Network on Entrepreneurship


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