The texture in diffusion-grown layers of trialuminides MeAl3 (Me = Ti, V, Ta, Nb, Zr, Hf) and VNi3

J.H. Maas, G.F. Bastin, F.J.J. Loo, van, R. Metselaar

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A series of intermetallic compounds was prepared with the TiAI3 structure or related structures. The layers ofthe tri-aluminides formed in diffusion couples do not grow according to the parabolic law. Most ofthe diffusion-grown layers show a weak texture. Generally, a fibre texture parallel to the direction of diffusion, consisting of two components has been found together or separately in the same layer. In NbAI3, VAI3 and TaAl3 the nature cif the texture was a and a fibre texture. In TiAI3 layers a fibre texture has been found together with an exceptional component, a [001]-fibre texture, probably related to the formation of a superstructure. In HfAI3-!ayers grown on a Hf substrate with a sheet texture, the texture in the HfAl3-layer was not rotationally symmetric around the direction of diffusion, but a related sheet texture developed. In the case of textureless Hf substrates the HfAI31ayers exhibit a [001]-fan texture. In VNi3- layers no texture was produced.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)294-299
Number of pages6
JournalZeitschrift fuer Metallkunde
Issue number5
Publication statusPublished - 1983


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