The role of scale resolution versus inter-particle cohesive forces in two-fluid modeling of bubbling fluidization of Geldart A particles

Junwu Wang, M.A. Hoef, van der, J.A.M. Kuipers

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Coarse grid simulations of Geldart A particles in bubbling fluidized beds using standard two-fluid (TF) models, where the constitutive laws are based on the homogeneity of sub-grid scale structures, have been demonstrated to be unsuccessful due to the existence of significant sub-grid scale heterogeneous structures. However, a definite consensus on the fundamental origin of the failure is still lacking. Some claim that the existence of significant inter-particle cohesive forces results in the sub-grid scale heterogeneous structures which takes the form of agglomerates or clusters; others claim that the inter-particle cohesive forces are not the dominant factor, and that the poor performance of TF models is primarily due to the fact that the grid sizes and the time step used in previous studies are too coarse to fully resolve the bubbling structure. To this end, a short overview is firstly presented to discuss the role of scale resolution and inter-particle cohesive force in two-fluid modeling of Geldart A particles; We then qualitatively explain, using a state-of-the-art discrete particle method, why the methods based on the existence of aggregates or clusters work quite well, although the sub-grid scale structure is not properly identified, that is, the sub-grid scale structure takes the form of a bubble-emulsion phase.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)4229-4240
Number of pages10
JournalChemical Engineering Science
Issue number18
Publication statusPublished - 2011


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