The relation between information processing strategies and the development of the body of knowledge of students in competence-based pre-vocational secondary education

M. Koopman, P.J. Teune, W.M.G. Jochems

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contributionAcademicpeer-review


    The preference of students in competence-based Pre-Vocational Secondary Education (PVSE) for information processing strategies and the development of their body of knowledge were measured in a study that was carried out with 31 participants. The students’ information processing strategies were measured by means of semistructured interviews, questionnaires and think-aloud sessions. 26 of the 31 participants had a preference for surface processing strategies when working in workplace simulation. The other 5 students preferred deep learning. The learning environment appeared to elicit this surface level processing. The development of the body of knowledge of the students was measured by means of the concept mapping technique. For most students, an improvement of the body of knowledge took place in the course of the project in workplace simulation that was researched. Their knowledge became more elaborate and better organized. No significant relations between information processing strategies and the development of the concept maps could be found for the students participating in the research.
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationKennis en beroepsonderwijs; 17e Onderwijssociologische Conferentie 29 en 30 November 2007 Den Haag
    Place of PublicationDen Haag
    Publication statusPublished - 2007


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