The Prestressed Steel - LWAC Bridge System

H.W. Bennenk, A. Vlieg, de

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contributionAcademic


The Netherlands is a country with a strong tradition in bridge design and bridge construction, due to the necessity to cross the numerous waters and to create crossing-free local roads and highways in the densely populated country. More than 50% of the bridges are precast bridges. A novelty is the prestressed steel-LWAC composite bridge system, consisting of steel girders and a precast deck-slab. Via the joints between the precast deck-slabs the bridge is prestressed, which makes it possible to optimize the functionality of both steel and concrete. The bridge system is studied in detail for static aspects for road and railroad traffic. However, attention was not yet paid to fatigue aspects. This paper concerns the study of the fatigue strength of the joint, which is possibly the most critical and sensible part of the system. The analyses of the structural behaviour resulted in a test set up with rather small test specimens. The test specimens are tested at two different arrangements. One is suitable for the execution of the shear-compressive test and the other one is suitable for the compressive test. The program is not yet completely finished. The already performed tests showed a fatigue resistance of 10 million loading cycles without failure. (A) For the covering abstract see ITRD E123363.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationProceedings of the Second International Symposium on Structural Lightweight Aggregate Concrete, Held Kristiansand, Norway, 18-22 June 2000
EditorsS. Helland, I. Holand, S. Smeplass
Place of PublicationKristiansand, Norway
PublisherNorwegian Concrete Association
ISBN (Print)952-91341-37-0
Publication statusPublished - 2000
Eventconference; Second International Symposium on Structural Lightweight Aggregate Concrete; 2000-06-18; 2000-06-22 -
Duration: 18 Jun 200022 Jun 2000


Conferenceconference; Second International Symposium on Structural Lightweight Aggregate Concrete; 2000-06-18; 2000-06-22
OtherSecond International Symposium on Structural Lightweight Aggregate Concrete


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