The influence of the geometry and electrical characteristics on the formation of the atmospheric pressure plasma jet

A. Sobota, O.Y.N. Guaitella, A. Rousseau

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An extensive electrical study was performed on a coaxial geometry atmospheric pressure plasma jet source in helium, driven by 30 kHz sine voltage. Two modes of operation were observed, a highly reproducible low-power mode that features the emission of one plasma bullet per voltage period and an erratic high-power mode in which micro-discharges appear around the grounded electrode. The minimum of power transfer efficiency corresponds to the transition between the two modes. Effective capacitance was identified as a varying property influenced by the discharge and the dissipated power. The charge carried by plasma bullets was found to be a small fraction of charge produced in the source irrespective of input power and configuration of the grounded electrode. The biggest part of the produced charge stays localized in the plasma source and below the grounded electrode, in the range 1.2–3.3 nC for ground length of 3–8 mm.
Original languageEnglish
Article number025016
Pages (from-to)025016-1/14
Number of pages14
JournalPlasma Sources Science and Technology
Publication statusPublished - 2014


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