The influence of surface roughness on the contact stiffness and the contact filter effect in nonlinear wheel-track interaction

O.E. Lundberg, A. Nordborg, I. Lopez Arteaga

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A state-dependent contact model including nonlinear contact stiffness and nonlinear contact filtering is used to calculate contact forces and rail vibrations with a time-domain wheel-track interaction model. In the proposed method, the full three-dimensional contact geometry is reduced to a point contact in order to lower the computational cost and to reduce the amount of required input roughness-data. Greens functions including the linear dynamics of the wheel and the track are coupled with a point contact model, leading to a numerically efficient model for the wheel-track interaction. Nonlinear effects due to the shape and roughness of the wheel and the rail surfaces are included in the point contact model by pre-calculation of functions for the contact stiffness and contact filters. Numerical results are compared to field measurements of rail vibrations for passenger trains running at 200 kph on a ballast track. Moreover, the influence of vehicle pre-load and different degrees of roughness excitation on the resulting wheel-track interaction is studied by means of numerical predictions.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)429-446
Number of pages18
JournalJournal of Sound and Vibration
Publication statusPublished - 31 Mar 2016


  • Contact filter effect
  • Contact stiffness
  • Rolling noise excitation
  • Roughness
  • Surface topography
  • Wheel-rail contact


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