The Hitchhiker’s Guide to Renovation 4.0

Sonja Adamović

Research output: ThesisEngD Thesis

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The Hitchhiker’s Guide to Renovation 4.0 represents a conceptual framework for the implementation of innovative automation and robotic (A&R) technologies in renovation processes.
The framework portrays the systemic approach to defining the renovation process and A&R technologies. The aim is to represent the renovation process as one system which consists of a number of phases that are executed in order to realize the purpose of the renovation project. Regarding A&R technologies, the systemic approach illustrates the connections between various innovative technologies, where one technology could necessitate the implementation of another technology for its performance.
The most insightful merit lies in the interconnectedness between the domains of renovation process and A&R technologies. Were we to implement any A&R technology in any part of the renovation process, it would be necessary to revise the process, as the technology brings about new requirements that must be fulfilled if the technology is to operate successfully. Uniform and structured representation of information when defining both the renovation process and A&R technologies offers the possibility of expanding the framework and the knowledge base behind it.
The framework can be used as a guide to anyone who is willing to comprehend the complexity behind the deployment of innovative technologies in the current renovation process. Development of the framework is steered by the vision of possible standardization of processes within construction industry.
The developed framework is published on the web as an interactive visualization tool.
Original languageEnglish
  • Wolfs, Rob J.M., Supervisor
Place of PublicationEindhoven
Publication statusPublished - 27 Mar 2024

Bibliographical note

EngD thesis.


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