The Efimovian three-body potential from broad to narrow Feshbach resonances

J. van de Kraats (Corresponding author), D.J.M. Ahmed-Braun, J.-L. Li, S.J.J.M.F. Kokkelmans

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We analyse the change in the hyperradial Efimovian three-body potential as the two-body interaction is tuned from the broad to narrow Feshbach resonance regime. Here, it is known from both theory and experiment that the three-body dissociation scattering length a− shifts away from the universal value of −9.7 rvdW, with rvdW=12(mC6/ℏ2)1/4 the two-body van der Waals range. We model the three-body system using a separable two-body interaction that takes into account the full zero-energy behaviour of the multichannel wave function. We find that the short-range repulsive barrier in the three-body potential characteristic for single-channel models remains universal for narrow resonances, whilst the change in the three-body parameter originates from a strong decrease in the potential depth. From an analysis of the underlying spin structure we further attribute this behavior to the dominance of the two-body interaction in the resonant channel compared to other background interactions.
Original languageEnglish
Article number2210.14200
Number of pages13
Publication statusPublished - 25 Oct 2022


  • cond-mat.quant-gas


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