The effect of vancomycin and tobramycin on the tensile properties of cured low viscosity bone cements

J.N. Argenson, N.J.J. Verdonschot, P. Seyral, H.W.J. Huiskes

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Samples of plain and vancomycin-tobramycin-loaded low viscosity cements were evaluated for their tensile mech. properties. Vancomycin is effective against nearly all resistant pathogens now involved in prosthesis infection. The mech. properties of vancomycin-impregnated cement have never been studied. Tobramycin extends the spectrum to Gram neg. bacteria and has been well studied as used in bone cement. This antibiotic mixt. covers most of the pathogens resulting from arthroplasty thus providing an active local prophylaxis against infection. Specimens of 4 low-viscosity bone cements were machined, radiographed and tested. The addn. of 2 g vancomycin in 40 g cement powder did not significantly affect the tensile properties of the four cements. Simultaneous addn. of vancomycin (2 g) and tobramycin (1 g) significantly decreased the tensile strength and fracture strain of one cement, but the abs. values remained equal to the others or higher and well above the levels reported with std. viscosity cements. Vancomycin-tobramycin fulfill the criteria required for diffusion and antimicrobial activity after admixing in bone cement. The effects of such a combination on the tensile properties of 4 low viscosity bone cements are acceptable. [on SciFinder (R)]
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)43-47
JournalEuropean Journal of Experimental Musculoskeletal Research
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 1994


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