The coolest particle source on earth

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contributionAcademic


The coolest particle source on earth Wouter Engelen, Nicola Debernardi, Peter Pasmans, Stefano Dal Conte, Bas van der Geer, Edgar Vredenbregt, Jom Luiten Eindhoven University of Technology, Netherlands Ultra-bright electron beams can be produced by near-threshold photo ionization of a laser-cooled atom cloud inside a magneto-optical trap. Such laser-cooled sources have orders of magnitude lower emittance compared to photo-emission sources because of their low initial temperature. The application we have in mind is single-shot ultrafast electron diffraction, but these sources are also interesting as injectors for X-FELs in the low-charge, low-emittance regime. At Eindhoven University of Technology a laser-cooled electron source has been constructed and electron pulses have been produced using both nanosecond and sub-picosecond photo-ionization laser pulses. In both cases thermal emittances have been measured corresponding to an effective source temperature of
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationColloquium/seminar UCLA, Los Angeles, USA
Publication statusPublished - 2011
Eventconference; Colloquium/seminar UCLA, Los Angeles, USA; 2011-09-23; 2011-09-23 -
Duration: 23 Sept 201123 Sept 2011


Conferenceconference; Colloquium/seminar UCLA, Los Angeles, USA; 2011-09-23; 2011-09-23
OtherColloquium/seminar UCLA, Los Angeles, USA


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