Temperature-dependent near-field imaging of delocalized and localized excitons in single quantum wires

F. Intonti, V. Emiliani, Ch. Lienau, T. Elsaesser, R. Nötzel, K.H. Ploog

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapterAcademic

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Summary form only given. Recent microphotoluminescence studies have shown that the low-temperature emission spectra of semiconductor quantum wires are dominated by localized, quasi-zero-dimensional, excitons. This implies that both the optical and transport properties of such quasi-one-dimensional (Q1D) nanostructures are similar to that of a chain of quantum dots. It also hinders the observation of some truly one-dimensional quantum effects, such as the ballistic or diffusive one-dimensional exciton transport, expected in nanostructures containing Q1D excitons that are delocalized over mesoscopic length scales. We present the first experimental evidence for such delocalized excitons in a single quantum wire. A novel coupled quantum wire-dot nanostructure is studied by low temperature near-field photoluminescence (PL) spectroscopy.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationQuantum Electronics and Laser Science Conference, 2001. QELS '01. Technical Digest. Summaries of Papers Presented at the
Place of PublicationWashington, DC, USA
PublisherOptical Society of America (OSA)
ISBN (Print)1-55752-663-X
Publication statusPublished - 2001


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