Teacher professional development during innovations in higher education: A typology of practices

Tim Stevens, Perry J. den Brok, Frans Prins, Jan D. Vermunt

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperAcademic


Higher education (HE) is witnessing a variety of pedagogical and technological innovations, as well as professional development (PD) initiatives to support teachers in attaining the required expertise to fulfill the new teaching roles. However, an overview of how PD and innovations are related in current practices is lacking. In this study, 34 cases that cover 20 institutions of HE in The Netherlands are cross compared to develop a conceptual model and a typology of practices. First, the conceptual model presents key dimensions of educational innovations, required teacher qualities, professional development initiatives, teacher learning activities and outcome measures. Second, a preliminary analysis of co-occurrences indicates two types of practices; trainer-centered and teacher-centered practices. The discussion explores plausible explanations for these patterns and implications for PD effectiveness. This can support future research on PD effectiveness in innovations, and the integration of educational innovations, PD and change management practices at HE institutions.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - Jun 2022
EventEARLI  SIG1 & SIG4 Joint Conference 2022 - Cadiz, Spain
Duration: 27 Jun 202230 Jun 2022


ConferenceEARLI  SIG1 & SIG4 Joint Conference 2022
Internet address


  • higher education
  • teacher professional learning
  • educational innovation


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