System and method for determining at least one vital sign of a subject

Gerard de Haan (Inventor)

Research output: PatentPatent application

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The present invention relates to a system and method for determining at least one vital sign of a subject. To improve the ambient light robustness, said system comprises an illumination unit (2) comprising a plurality of radiation sources (21, 22), which are configured to emit electromagnetic radiation and which are controllable individually or in groups, a control unit (3) configured to control the radiation sources (21, 22) of the illumination unit (2), wherein the control unit (3) is configured to control one or more of the direction, the beam width, and the strength of a radiation beam emitted by a radiation source based on skin region information indicating the location of one or more skin regions of the subject and/or based on vital sign information indicating the quality of the extracted vital sign to illuminate the one or more skin regions of the subject, a detection unit (4) configured to detect high-frequency variations in electromagnetic radiation reflected from the skin region of the subject and to generate a detection signal from the detected high-frequency variations in the electromagnetic radiation, and a vital signs determination unit (5) configured to extract a vital sign from the detection signal.
Original languageEnglish
Patent numberUS2021236015
Publication statusPublished - 5 Aug 2021


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