Sustainability indicators

Research output: Other contributionProfessional


Welcome to the world of sustainability indicators. This field of science can be incredibly insightful, as indicators can help with communicating, structuring, understanding, and solving a problem. However, sustainability indicators are as much an art as a science, as ultimately, it is about what we value, which is personal and subjective. This chapter will introduce you to the world of sustainability indicators and their application. It will help you to understand and navigate through the field.
The first chapter will touch upon the definition of sustainability and unpack the concept. Next to that, it will introduce the function of sustainability indicators. Then, we will discuss the different types of indicators (chapter 2), how to select good indicators (chapter 3), and examples of sustainability indicators (chapter 4). After this introduction, we will introduce descriptive or accounting frameworks (chapter 5), as well as frameworks that cover causal effects (chapter 6). In the latter, we will introduce four relevant frameworks relating to complex problem solving, sustainability assessment, environmental impact, and project evaluation. Finally, we address the difference between how scientists and policymakers use indicators and how both come together in a policy-based indicator framework (chapter 7).
Original languageEnglish
Media of outputOnline/Canvas
PublisherEindhoven University of Technology
Number of pages25
Publication statusPublished - 2020

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