Surface second harmonic generation as a diagnostic tool in silicon materials processing

J.J.H. Gielis, A.A.E. Stevens, I.M.P. Aarts, P.M. Gevers, H.C.W. Beijerinck

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contributionAcademic

Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationProceedings of the 6th International Conference on Optics of Surfaces and Interfaces (OSI-VI), 6-10 June 2005, Aalborg University, Aalborg, Denmark
Place of PublicationAalborg, Denmark
Publication statusPublished - 2005
Eventconference; Optics of Surfaces and Interfaces (OSI-VI); 2005-06-06; 2005-06-10 -
Duration: 6 Jun 200510 Jun 2005


Conferenceconference; Optics of Surfaces and Interfaces (OSI-VI); 2005-06-06; 2005-06-10
OtherOptics of Surfaces and Interfaces (OSI-VI)

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