Supramolecular polymers as dynamic multicomponent cellular uptake carriers

K. Petkau - Milroy, M.H. Sonntag, A.H.A.M. Onzen, van, L. Brunsveld

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Supramolecular synthesis represents a flexible approach to the generation of dynamic multicomponent materials with tunable properties. Here, cellular uptake systems based on dynamic supramolecular copolymers have been developed using a combination of differently functionalized discotic molecules. Discotics featuring peripheral amine functionalities that endow the supramolecular polymer with cellular uptake capabilities were readily synthesized. This enabled the uptake of otherwise cell-impermeable discotics via cotransport as a function of supramolecular coassembly. Dynamic multicomponent and multifunctional supramolecular polymers represent a novel and unique platform for modular cellular uptake systems.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)8086-8089
JournalJournal of the American Chemical Society
Issue number19
Publication statusPublished - 2012


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