Supported polysilsesquioxane membrane and production thereof

R. Kreiter (Inventor), M. Creatore (Inventor), F.P. Cuperus (Inventor), J.F. Vente (Inventor), P.H. Tchoua Ngamou (Inventor)

Research output: PatentPatent publication

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Membranes of the invention comprise a hybrid silica film on a organic polymer support. The silica comprises organic bridging groups bound to two or more silicon atoms, in particular at least 1 of said organic bridging groups per 10 silicon atoms. The membranes can be produced by dry chemistry processes, in particular plasma-enhanced vapour deposition of bridged silane precursors, or by wet chemistry involving hydrolysis of the bridged silane precursors. The membranes are inexpensive and efficient for separation of small molecules and filtration processes.
Original languageEnglish
Patent numberWO2013066184 A1
Priority date28/04/56
Publication statusPublished - 10 May 2013


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