Supervisory Control Theory with Event Forcing

Research output: Working paperPreprintAcademic

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In the Ramadge-Wonham supervisory control theory the only interaction mechanism between supervisor and plant is that the supervisor may enable/disable events from the plant and the plant makes a final decision about which of the enabled events is actually taking place. In this paper, the interaction between supervisor and plant is enriched by allowing the supervisor to force specific events (called forcible events) that are allowed to preempt uncontrollable events. A notion of forcible-controllability is defined that captures the interplay between controllability of a supervisor w.r.t. the uncontrollable events provided by a plant in the setting with event forcing. Existence of a maximally permissive, forcibly-controllable, nonblocking supervisor is shown and an algorithm is provided that computes such a supervisor. The approach is illustrated by two small case studies.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages12
Publication statusPublished - 12 Apr 2024


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