Structural lightweight aggregates concrete

D.J. Glas, Q.L. Yu, P.R. Spiesz, H.J.H. Brouwers

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contributionAcademicpeer-review

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This paper addresses the development of a structural lightweight aggregates concrete (SLWAC), aiming at a good balance between a low specific density and thermal conductivity, and high mechanical properties. The mix design is performed by applying the modified Andreasen and Andersen model to secure a densely packed matrix, composed of a binder and lightweight aggregates. The water absorption of the applied lightweight aggregates, expanded clay, is studied and an effective water dosage is determined from the obtained results. The fresh behaviour test of the designed concrete shows an acceptable workability, under a water-cement dosage of 0.35. The developed SLWAC shows excellent thermal properties, with a low thermal conductivity of about 0.20 W/(m¿K); and moderate mechanical properties, with a 28-day compressive strength of about 34 MPa (class of LC30-33 according to EN 206-1), with an apparent density of about 1250 kg/m3. The significantly low thermal conductivity of the developed concrete under this strength class can find a wide application potential, both for structural and thermal insulating purposes.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationTagungsbericht / IBAUSIL, 19. Internationale Baustofftagung, 16.-18. September 2015, Weimar, Bundesrepublik Deutschland
EditorsH.-B. Fischer
Place of PublicationWeimar
PublisherF.A. Finger-Institut für Baustoffkunde
ISBN (Print)978-3-00-050225-5
Publication statusPublished - 2015
Event19. Internationale Baustofftagung "ibausil", 16.-18. September 2015, Weimar, Deutschland - Weimar, Germany
Duration: 16 Sept 201518 Sept 2015


Conference19. Internationale Baustofftagung "ibausil", 16.-18. September 2015, Weimar, Deutschland


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