Step-wise excitation for the determination of the resonance frequency of a microparticle confined in a low pressure plasma

P. Meijaard (Corresponding author), T.J.A. Staps, J. Beckers

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We propose, test, and analyze a new step-wise excitation approach to quickly obtain, or determine with high accuracy, the resonance frequency of a microparticle confined in the space charge region of a low pressure plasma operated above a horizontal surface. The local value of this resonance frequency can directly be related to the charge of such a plasma-immersed microparticle and is, therefore, essential to be obtained with respect to the interpretation of many dusty and complex plasma laboratory experiments. The presented approach applies a step-wise change in plasma power, after which the damped harmonic oscillatory motion of the plasma-confined microparticle toward its “new” equilibrium confinement position is monitored temporally resolved and fitted with the theory describing this damped harmonic oscillator. Proof-of-principle experiments demonstrate that the results from this method match the results of the traditional frequency sweep resonance method within 5%. Comparing to existing—for instance, phase-resolved or single particle injection—methods to determine the resonance frequency, this approach offers the experimenter a unique possibility to choose the trade-off between reduced measurement time—essential when working with particles that are vulnerable to plasma etching—and measurement accuracy.

Original languageEnglish
Article number083502
Number of pages12
JournalPhysics of Plasmas
Issue number8
Publication statusPublished - 2 Aug 2021


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