Status report on emerging photovoltaics

Annick Anctil, Meghan N. Beattie, Christopher Casec, Aditya Chaudhary, Benjamin D. Chrysler, Michael G. Debije, Stephanie Essig, David K. Ferry, Vivian E. Ferry, Marina Freitag, Isaac Gould, Karin Hinzer, Harald Hoppe, Olle Inganäs, Lethy Krishnan Jagadamma, Min Hun Jee, Raymond K. Kostuk, Daniel Kirk, Stephan Kube, Minyoung LimJoseph M. Luther, Lorelle Mansfield, Michael D. McGehee, Duong Nguyen Minh, Preeti Nain, Matthew O. Reese, Angèle Reinders, Ifor D.W. Samuel, Wilfried van Sark, Hele Savin, Ian R. Sellers, Sean E. Shaheen, Zheng Tanga, Fatima Toor, Ville Vähänissi, Ella Wassweiler, Emily L. Warren, Vincent R. Whiteside, Han Young Woo, Gang Xiong, Xitong Zhu

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contributionAcademicpeer-review


This report provides a snapshot of emerging photovoltaic (PV) technologies. It consists of concise contributions from experts in a wide range of fields including silicon, thin film, III-V, perovskite, organic, and dye-sensitized PVs. Strategies for exceeding the detailed balance limit and for light managing are presented, followed by a section detailing key applications and commercialization pathways. A section on sustainability then discusses the need for minimization of the environmental footprint in PV manufacturing and recycling. The report concludes with a perspective based on broad survey questions presented to the contributing authors regarding the needs and future evolution of PV.

Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationSPIE Selections: 50 Years of Solar Energy Research
Number of pages51
ISBN (Electronic)978-151068049-4, 978-151068048-7
Publication statusPublished - 6 Aug 2024

Bibliographical note

Publisher Copyright:
© 2023 Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). All rights reserved.


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