Spin-wave analysis of pseudo-one-dimensional antiferromagnet CsMncl3•2H2O

W.J.M. De Jonge, K. Kopinga, C.H.W. Swüste

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The low-temperature specific heat, sublattice magnetization, zero-point spin reduction, and ground-state energy of CsMnCl3•2H2O have been confronted with a spin-wave calculation, which was based upon the particular magnetic structure of this compound. In this numerical calculation the effect of small interchain interactions and a temperature-dependent anisotropy gap have been included. A good agreement with the experimental heat capacity was obtained for an intrachain interaction Jk=-3.0 K and a ratio of the inter-to intrachain interaction |J′J|=8×10-3. These values compare favorably with the results from other studies. The predicted sublattice magnetization, including the zero-point spin reduction of 19%, is in good agreement with the experimental evidence. The calculated ground-state energy corresponds with the value obtained by direct integration of the experimental magnetic heat capacity. It was concluded that unrenormalized spin-wave theory offers a fair description of the magnetic behavior of CsMnCl3•2H2O up to ∼0.6TN.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)2137-2141
Number of pages5
JournalPhysical Review B
Issue number5
Publication statusPublished - 1 Jan 1976


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