Simulating active inference processes by message passing

Thijs van de Laar (Corresponding author), Bert de Vries

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The free energy principle (FEP) offers a variational calculus-based description for how biological agents persevere through interactions with their environment. Active inference (AI) is a corollary of the FEP, which states that biological agents act to fulfill prior beliefs about preferred future observations (target priors). Purposeful behavior then results from variational free energy minimization with respect to a generative model of the environment with included target priors. However, manual derivations for free energy minimizing algorithms on custom dynamic models can become tedious and error-prone. While probabilistic programming (PP) techniques enable automatic derivation of inference algorithms on free-form models, full automation of AI requires specialized tools for inference on dynamic models, together with the description of an experimental protocol that governs the interaction between the agent and its simulated environment. The contributions of the present paper are two-fold. Firstly, we illustrate how AI can be automated with the use of ForneyLab, a recent PP toolbox that specializes in variational inference on flexibly definable dynamic models. More specifically, we describe AI agents in a dynamic environment as probabilistic state space models (SSM) and perform inference for perception and control in these agents by message passing on a factor graph representation of the SSM. Secondly, we propose a formal experimental protocol for simulated AI. We exemplify how this protocol leads to goal-directed behavior for flexibly definable AI agents in two classical RL examples, namely the Bayesian thermostat and the mountain car parking problems.
Original languageEnglish
Article number20
Number of pages15
JournalFrontiers in Robotics and AI
Issue number20
Publication statusPublished - 28 Mar 2019


  • Active inference
  • Forney-style factor graphs
  • Free-energy principle
  • Message passing
  • State-space models


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