Silica intercalated crystalline zirconium phosphate-type materials

R.M. Lewis (Inventor), R.A. Santen, van (Inventor), K.C. Ott (Inventor), Shell Oil Co (US) (Inventor)

    Research output: PatentPatent publication

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    The present invention relates to intercalated crystalline zirconium phosphate-types compositions wherein the interlayers of said composition have been intercalated with three-dimensional silicon oxide pillars whereby the pillars comprise at least two silicon atom layers parallel to the clay interlayers.
    Original languageEnglish
    Patent numberUS4717513
    Publication statusPublished - 5 Jan 1988

    Bibliographical note

    Patent US4717513 1988-01-05 ; EP0159756 (B1) 1985-10-30 ; CA1239923 1988-08-02 ; DE3567583D 1989-02-23 ; JP1819439C 1994-01-27 ; JP5032322B 1993-05-14 ; JP61006107 1986-01-11


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