Shape : extending the range of print products that can be modeled

M. Petkovic

    Research output: ThesisEngD Thesis


    The variety of print products in Graphic Arts field generates a challenge when developing software to prepare and manage print jobs. A few years ago, the initiative to tackle this variety by capturing the process of printing and finishing in a model was made – where the model drives the software tools on the production floor. The prototype of a simulator had limitations,
    as it was only possible to model the production of applications that have rectangular shape of sheets. In addition to that, due to increased number of files generated by the software, as well as the difficulty to easily pinpoint the differences between SVGs on both structural and rendered level, regression testing mechanism was cumbersome, time-consuming, and error-prone process. This report gives a description of software lifecycle phases while solving the aforementioned challenges. It describes a project to enable modelling of wider range of print products and design a tool for automatic regression testing. During this process five main design challenges were identified: 1) Enable support of irregular shape of media, 2) Enable rendering of stacks, 3) Enable action interaction of actions that change the shape of media, 4) Enable functionality of comparison of SVG files (matcher), 5) Enable previewing differences in unified view such that it incorporates both structural or rendered differences. These challenges successfully tackled. Finally, the project results are presented and recommendations are given.
    Original languageEnglish
    • van de Wetering, Huub M.M., Supervisor
    • Geels, Jennek, External supervisor, External person
    • Brünner, Marvin, External supervisor, External person
    Award date28 Sept 2017
    Place of PublicationEindhoven
    Publication statusPublished - 28 Sept 2017

    Bibliographical note

    PDEng thesis. - Confidential until 22-9-2019


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