Run-time allocation in contention-free routing NoCs

R.A. Stefan, K.G.W. Goossens

Research output: Contribution to conferencePoster

Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 2011
EventAnnual Workshop on PROGram for Research on Embedded Sysems & Software (PROGRESS '11), September 20-23, 2011, Lodz, Poland - Lodz, Poland
Duration: 20 Sept 201123 Sept 2011


ConferenceAnnual Workshop on PROGram for Research on Embedded Sysems & Software (PROGRESS '11), September 20-23, 2011, Lodz, Poland
Abbreviated titlePROGRESS '11
OtherWorkshop co-located with 17th International Papermaking Conference and Exhibition (?????)

Bibliographical note

Proceedings of the Annual Workshop on PROGram for Research on Embedded Sysems & Software (Progress'11), 20-23 september 2011, Lodz, Poland

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