Resonant microwaves probing acoustic waves from an RF plasma jet

Bart Platier (Corresponding author), Tim J.A. Staps, Constant C.J.M. Hak, Job Beckers, Wilbert L. IJzerman

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Microwave cavity resonance spectroscopy is introduced and demonstrated as a new approach to investigate the generation of acoustic waves by a pulsed radio-frequency driven atmospheric-pressure plasma jet. Thanks to recent advancements in the diagnostic method, the lower detection limit for pressure changes in air is ∼0.3 Pa. Good agreement with conventional pressure transducer measurements with respect to the temporal evolution, the pressure amplitude and the spectral response is found. Fourier analysis revealed that the acoustic waves induced by the plasma can most likely be attributed to standing waves in the discharge geometry. Additionally, the plasma-induced acoustic waves of a few (tens of) Pa are proposed as an active mechanism in plasma medicine.

Original languageEnglish
Article number045024
Number of pages7
JournalPlasma Sources Science and Technology
Issue number4
Publication statusPublished - 17 Apr 2020


  • Acoustic wave
  • Atmospheric pressure plasma jet
  • Cavity
  • Microwave cavity resonance spectroscopy


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