Residual stress and the stress-strain relation for Mg-PSZ

P.H.J. van den Berg, G. With, de

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A stress-strain curve for MgO-partially stabilized ZrO2 (Mg-PSZ) was derived. The elastic part of the curve, described by the bulk modulus, B, of 185 GPa, was detd. from the elastic properties measured with the pulse-echo method. The crit. transformation stress was detd. by 2 methods, one based on the strength-toughness curve for Mg-PSZ varieties and one based on the amt. of surface rumpling near indentations. Both methods yielded a value for the crit. transformation stress of 1.1 GPa. To obtain the transformation modulus, giving the slope of the curve for the plastic deformation, residual stress and x-ray measurements were done on ground surfaces which were polished away in small steps. The residual stress was detd. with the bend strip method. This resulted in a residual stress profile for Mg-PSZ and a relation between residual stress and phase content. This relation was combined with the flow law, Y = Y0 + ap, where Y and p denote the flow stress and pressure, resp., and Y0 and a are material consts. This resulted in a transformation modulus of 44 GPa, indicating significant work hardening. After complete transformation, the deformation is given by the elastic properties of the now mainly monoclinic ZrO2. [on SciFinder (R)]
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)265-270
JournalJournal of the European Ceramic Society
Issue number4
Publication statusPublished - 1992


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