Reflection confocal nanoscopy using a super-oscillatory lens

Arvind Nagarajan (Corresponding author), Pjotr Stoevelaar, F. Silvestri, Marijn Siemons, Venu Gopal Achanta, Stefan Bäumer, Giampiero Gerini

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A superoscillatory lens (SOL) is known to produce a sub-diffraction hotspot that is useful for high-resolution imaging. SOLs have not yet been directly used in a confocal reflection setup, as the SOL suffers from poor imaging properties. Additionally, the illuminating intensity distribution of the SOL still has high-intensity rings called sidelobes coexisting with the central hotspot. By means of a reflection setup, which does not have the SOL in the detection chain, thereby mitigating the poor imaging properties, we assessed the resolution capabilities of a SOL. This was done for different objects, whose dimensions were both above and below the SOL field-of-view (FOV). We found that the sidelobe illumination degrades the imaging properties in the case of extended objects, limiting the applicability of a SOL system.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)20012-20027
Number of pages16
JournalOptics Express
Issue number14
Publication statusPublished - 5 Jul 2019


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