Recommendations on real time line rating and demand side management

R. Van Caenegem, H.P. Nguyen, M.M. Viyathukattuva Mohamed Ali, A.F. Gubina, B. Prislan

Research output: Book/ReportReportAcademic

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The INCREASE project aims to increase the penetration of distributed renewable energy sources (DRES) in the distribution grid and enable DRES and consumers to participate in the market and provide ancillary services. Several technologies and methodologies can be used to achieve this goal. In this report, Demand Response (DR) and Dynamic Line Rating (DLR) implemented by means of a Multi-Agent System (MAS) are being discussed.Dynamic Line Rating (DLR) helps the network operator to dynamically assess the capacity of individual power lines and cables, using this information to reduce the risk of line overloading during operation. On the other hand, Demand Response as a part of Demand Side Management (DSM) can influence the time of use of electricity, redistributing the peaks and lows in more desirable time slots. DR offers additional short-term flexibility to the DSO or the demand aggregator to balance its demand portfolio, or offer this flexibility as an ancillary service on the ancillary service market. In the long term, both DLR and DR can help system operators to avoid investments in networks for meeting peak demands. INCREASE envisions the use of flexibility offered by a combination of DSM, DLR and smart control of DRES. This report also explains the feasibility of integrating DR and DLR into the MAS. Input from the DLR module will be used in the MAS, in order to increase the penetration of DRES by allowing higher power flows in cables for shorter periods of time. This deliverable is structured as follows. Chapter 2 gives an overview of the agents and the MAS architecture for the electricity market. Chapters 3 & 5 describe what DLR and DSM can do to increase the potential integration of DRES into the distribution grid. In Chapters 4 and 6 the integration and cooperation between DLR and the MAS, and DSM and the MAS are addressed respectively. Chapter 7 gives an overview of the simulations and next steps. Chapter 8 concludes the work.
Original languageEnglish
PublisherEU - 7th Framework Programme for Research and Technological Development
Publication statusPublished - 2014


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