Recent progress of the Ca-Cu technology for decarbonisation of power plants and carbon intensive industries

Isabel Martínez (Corresponding author), Jose R. Fernández, Michela Martini, Fausto Gallucci, Martin van Sint Annaland, Matteo C. Romano, Juan C. Abanades

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Highly efficient pre-combustion systems are sustainable alternatives for producing hydrogen with reduced carbon footprint. The Ca-Cu looping process is a novel CO 2 capture process that combines Sorption Enhanced Reforming (SER) for the production of (almost) pure H 2 with a Cu/CuO redox cycle to regenerate the CO 2 sorbent with a low energy penalty and potential reduction in capture cost. Over the last few years, the Ca-Cu looping process has seen noticeable progresses in its development and has recently been demonstrated up to TRL4/5 within the Ascent EU project, under conditions that are relevant for a range of industrial applications. This work reviews the most recent achievements and open gaps of knowledge in the development of this emerging process, focusing on experimental validation performed in lab-scale fixed bed reactors and on techno-economic assessment of the application in industrial plants for hydrogen, ammonia and steel production.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)71-85
Number of pages15
JournalInternational Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control
Publication statusPublished - 1 Jun 2019


  • Calcium looping
  • Chemical looping
  • CO capture
  • Sorption enhanced reforming
  • CO2 capture


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