Real- time feedback by wearables in running: Current approaches, challenges and suggestions for improvements

Bas Van Hooren (Corresponding author), Jos F.A. Goudsmit, Juan Restrepo Villamizar, Steven B. Vos

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Injuries and lack of motivation are common reasons for discontinuation of running. Real-time feedback from wearables can reduce discontinuation by reducing injury risk and improving performance and motivation. There are however several limitations and challenges with current real-time feedback approaches. We discuss these limitations and challenges and provide a framework to optimise real-time feedback for reducing injury risk and improving performance and motivation. We first discuss the reasons why individuals run and propose that feedback targeted to these reasons can improve motivation and compliance. Secondly, we review the association of running technique and running workload with injuries and performance and we elaborate how real-time feedback on running technique and workload can be applied to reduce injury risk and improve performance and motivation. We also review different feedback modalities and motor learning feedback strategies and their application to real-time feedback. Briefly, the most effective feedback modality and frequency differ between variables and individuals, but a combination of modalities and mixture of real-time and delayed feedback is most effective. Moreover, feedback promoting perceived competence, autonomy and an external focus can improve motivation, learning and performance. Although the focus is on wearables, the challenges and practical applications are also relevant for laboratory-based gait retraining.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)214-230
Number of pages17
JournalJournal of Sports Sciences
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - 17 Jan 2020


FundersFunder number
Nederlandse Organisatie voor Wetenschappelijk OnderzoekP16-28


    • Framework
    • gait-retraining
    • motor learning
    • personalised
    • running
    • sports watch


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