Re-Architecture: Lifespan rehabilitation of built heritage

A.R. Pereira-Roders

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contributionAcademicpeer-review

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Re-Architecture: Lifespan Rehabilitation of Built Heritage was born in 2002 as a concept and is now being developed in a PhD research in the BTO Department - TU/e; co-orientated by Prof. Ir. Jouke Post and Dr. Ir. Peter Erkelens. There was a mutual desire from all involved technicians; to join Architectural and Technological knowledge’s, and to develop a conscious building rehabilitation, that for its heritage value (architectural, technological, material or even economical) didn’t present the imperative need of being demolished. This renewal system under development, consisting of methods and techniques as how to approach the problem of installing temporary structures and building components into built heritage, originally constructed without lifespan limit; will allow, beyond the research and design cases results, the development of a toolkit (containing procedures, guidelines and details specific for the intervened building) that can be used for all interested technicians, designers; but profit by promoters and consumers. Following this new concept, technicians believe in a true contribute for existent buildings interventions; more flexible, sustainable and with its life spanned; adaptive to consumer/user expectations and needs.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publication21st PLEA international conference Passive and low energy architecture, Eindhoven, September 19-21, 2004
EditorsM.H. Wit, de
Place of PublicationEindhoven
PublisherTechnische Universiteit Eindhoven
ISBN (Print)90-386-1636-8
Publication statusPublished - 2004
Eventconference; 21st PLEA international conference Passive and low energy architecture; 2004-09-19; 2004-09-22 - Eindhoven
Duration: 19 Sept 200422 Sept 2004


Conferenceconference; 21st PLEA international conference Passive and low energy architecture; 2004-09-19; 2004-09-22
Abbreviated titlePLEA 21
Other21st PLEA international conference Passive and low energy architecture


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