Push-Pull interface connections in steel frames with precast concrete infill panels

J.C.D. Hoenderkamp, H.H. Snijder, H. Hofmeyer

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This paper presents experimental and finite element results of investigations into the stiffness and strength of three discrete interface connections between simple steel frames and precast concrete infill panels serving as lateral bracing. The ability of the connections to resist compression and tension allows them to introduce substantial lateral stiffness and strength into so called semi-integral infilled frames. The discrete connection between a steel frame and a concrete panel consists of two parts: a steel anchor plate welded to multiple anchor bars which are cast in the concrete panel and a gusset plate welded to the frame. For a complete framepanel connection the anchor plate is bolted to the gusset plate thereby allowing composite action of the steel-concrete structure. The bolts in the connection are loaded in shear only. The connections were employed in full-scale experiments on one-storey, one-bay, hybrid infilled frame structures. Finite element analyses were performed for comparison showing that simulation of the behaviour of the hybrid lateral load resisting structure is possible. The validated finite element models can be used for parametric studies with the goal of developing analytical models as a basis for design rules.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)63-73
JournalThe Open Construction and Building Technology Journal
Issue numberSuppl 1-M4
Publication statusPublished - 2012


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