Pulsed corona demonstrator for semi-industrial scale air purification

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Although pulsed corona technology for air purification is widely investigated by the lab experiments, large-scale application has yet to be proven. Industrial systems require large flow handling and thus, high corona power. An autonomous semi-industrial scale pilot wire-cylinder type corona reactor has been constructed for air purification demonstrations. The reactor is powered by a 10-kW spark gap-based pulsed power supply, capable of generating 60-kV 100-ns wide pulses with 1-kHz repetition rate. The pulses are optionally superimposed on a 0–30-kV dc bias to enable electrostatic precipitation. The system has been successfully applied during several field and lab experiments. Conversion data as a function of energy density are presented for ${rm NO}_{x}$, ${rm NH}_{3}$, ${rm H}_{2}{rm S}$, toluene, limonene, and fine dust removal. The system proves feasibility of large-scale air purification by pulsed corona.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)2920-2925
JournalIEEE Transactions on Plasma Science
Issue number10
Publication statusPublished - 2013


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