Protecting information in systems of systems

D. Trivellato, N. Zannone, S. Etalle

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contributionAcademicpeer-review

4 Citations (Scopus)
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Systems of Systems (SoS) are dynamic, distributed coalitions of autonomous and heterogeneous systems that collaborate to achieve a common goal. While o¿ering several advantages in terms of scalability and ¿exibility, the SoS paradigm has a strong impact on system interoperability and on the security requirements of collaborating parties. In this demo we present a prototype implementation of POLIPO, a security framework that combines context-aware access control with trust management and ontology-based services to protect information in SoS.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationProceedings of the 18th ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security (CCS'11, Chicago IL, USA, October 17-21, 2011)
PublisherAssociation for Computing Machinery, Inc
ISBN (Print)978-1-4503-0948-6
Publication statusPublished - 2011


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