Pretargeting kit, method and agents used therein

Marc S. Robillard (Inventor), Raffaella Rossin (Inventor), Johan Lub (Inventor), Pascal R. Verkerk (Inventor), Dirk Burdinski (Inventor)

Research output: PatentPatent publication

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Described is a pretargeting method, and related kits, for targeted medical imaging and/or therapeutics, wherein use is made of abiotic reactive chemical groups that exhibit bio-orthogonal reactivity towards each other. The invention involves the use of [4+2] inverse electron demand (retro) Diels-Alder chemistry in providing the coupling between a Pre-targeting Probe and an Effector Probe. To this end one of these probes comprises an electron-deficient tetrazine or other suitable diene, and the other an alkene or alkyne dienohile.

Original languageEnglish
Patent numberWO2010119382
IPCA61K 51/ 10 A I
Priority date29/10/09
Publication statusPublished - 21 Oct 2010
Externally publishedYes


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