Pressure Assisted Sintering of Barium Titanate for Dielectric Applications

I.J. Bennett, G. With, de, P.G.T. Varst, van der

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contributionAcademicpeer-review


The dielectric behaviour of High Purity Barium titanate (HPB) ceramics is strongly dependent on the grain size and porosity. For applications, control of grain size and porosity is required. Pressure-assisted sintering techniques at relatively low temperatures meet these requirements. In this study, hot-pressing (without a die) in the temperature range 1050°C-1200°C was investigated, using stacks of tape casted HPB foils with a typical grain size of 1.2 µm. The samples were pressed up to 60 minutes, applying a uniaxial pressure between 1 and 75 MPa. No lower threshold pressure for densification was observed in the pressure range studied and the lowest temperature to reach full density was determined to equal 1100°C. Using the experimental densification data, the applicability of the densification model as reported by Besson and Abouaf [1] was studied. Experimental process control was found to be possible, but this control remains empirical since the studied model was not capable of describing the actual physical situation properly.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publication4th ECerS Conf., 2-6/10/95, Vol 2, Basic Science - Developments in processing of advanced ceramics - Part II
Place of PublicationRiccione, Italy
Publication statusPublished - 1995
Eventconference; -; 1995-10-06; 1995-10-06 -
Duration: 6 Oct 19956 Oct 1995


Conferenceconference; -; 1995-10-06; 1995-10-06


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