Photoresponsive nanoporous smectic liquid crystalline polymer networks : changing the number of binding sites and pore dimensions in polymer adsorbents by light

H.P.C. Kuringen, van, Z.J.W.A. Leijten, A.H. Gelebart, D.J. Mulder, G. Portale, D.J. Broer, A.P.H.J. Schenning

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Photoresponsive nanoporous polymer films have been fabricated by adding a photoresponsive azobenzene cross-linker to a hydrogen-bonded smectic liquid crystalline polymer network. A base treatment resulted in the nanoporous material which has been fully characterized. Upon exposure to UV light a decrease in the smectic layer spacing is observed, suggesting a decrease in pore size. In addition, the binding sites in the material could be changed with light, leading to light-induced adsorption of cations and cationic dyes. Finally, light could also be used to create nanoporous channels in the polymer film.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)4073-4080
Number of pages8
Issue number12
Publication statusPublished - 2015


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