Philosophy at Work: Postphenomenology as a Generative Lens in Design Research and Practice

Sander van der Zwan, Maarten L. Smith, Jelle Bruineberg, Pierre D. Levy, Caroline C.M. Hummels

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contributionAcademicpeer-review

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We investigate the use of five postphenomenological concepts by bringing them to design practice and using them as a "generative lens" in design research. The use of these concepts in design research creates tension between the general and the particular. In a constructive design research process, we resolve this tension. We follow two complementary lines of inquiry: first, we design a ritual to support a postphenomenological analysis of the workplace. We discuss insights regarding ordering and formulation of the concepts, selecting a technological intermediary and assessing technologies. In the second, we use postphenomenology as a generative lens in designing the ritual. We discuss the iterative process in which the designer shapes specific uses by proposing different designs and reflecting on them using postphenomenological concepts. These reflections point to a responsibility of the designer to incorporate ways of being, ways of knowing and values on top of specific uses and utility.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationProceedings of DRS2020 International Conference
Subtitle of host publicationVol. 4: Education
EditorsStella Boess, Ming Cheung, Rebecca Cain
Place of PublicationLondon
PublisherDesign Research Society
Number of pages15
ISBN (Electronic)978-1-912294-40-4
Publication statusPublished - 11 Aug 2020
EventDesign Research Society 2020 -
Duration: 11 Aug 202014 Aug 2020


ConferenceDesign Research Society 2020
Abbreviated titleDRS2020


  • postphenomenology
  • design research
  • design practice
  • generative lens


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