On the mechanism of the thermal polymerization of linseed oil

C. Boelhouwer, J.Th. Knegtel, M. Tels

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    The glycerides and polyglycerides present in thermally polymd. linseed oils are sepd. quant. by mol. distn. Fatty acid anal. indicates the appearance of intra- and intermol. condensations. Intramol. condensations lead to the formation of bicyclic, dimeric fatty acid groups within the original glycerides without an increase in the mol. wt. of the oil. Intermol. condensation, characterized by an increase in mol. wt., involves the fatty acid of different glyceride mols. Since, during the last 30 min. of the reaction, 0.18 mole dimeric fatty acid groups and 0.64 mole monomeric fatty acid groups per 1000 g. of original oil have changed from monomeric to polymeric triglycerides while the total ring content of the oil remained const., the increase in mol. wt. is due to the dimeric glycerides which are formed by the interesterification reaction between monoglycerides contg. dimeric fatty acid groups resulting from intramol. condensation. [on SciFinder (R)]
    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)432-436
    JournalFette, Seifen, Anstrichmittel
    Issue number6
    Publication statusPublished - 1967


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