Oligomer-fullerene dyads : photophysics and performance as active layer material in photovoltaic cells

E. Peeters, P.A. Hal, van, R.A.J. Janssen, C.J. Brabec, N.S. Sariciftci, J. Knol, J.C. Hummelen

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contributionAcademicpeer-review


The photophysics of a homologous series of oligo(p-phenylene vinylene)-fulleropyrrolidine (OPVn-C60, n = 1 to 4, with n the no. of Ph rings) donor-acceptor dyads and the corresponding single moiety model compds. were studied. Fast intramol. singlet-energy transfer occurs after photoexcitation of the OPVn moiety in an apolar solvent. Photoexcitation in a polar solvent results in electron transfer for OPV3-C60, OPV4-C60, and to some extent for OPV2-C60, but not for OPV1-C60. These results are compared to the results obtained for mixts. of the single moiety model compds. in the same solvents. In these dyads electron transfer is likely to occur via a two-step process, i.e. a very fast singlet-energy transfer prior to charge sepn. In thin films of OPV3-C60 and OPV4-C60, a long-lived charge-sepd. state is formed after photoexcitation. This long lifetime is attributed to the migration of charges to different mols. A flexible photovoltaic device, prepd. from OPV4-C60, is presented.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationFullerenes 2000, volume 9: functionalized fullerenes : proceedings of the international symposium, Meeting of the Electrochemical Society ; 197 (Toronto) : 2000.05.14-18
EditorsA Martin, A Maggini, A Guldi
Place of PublicationPennington
PublisherElectrochemical Society, Inc.
ISBN (Print)1-566-77276-1
Publication statusPublished - 2000
Event197th Electrochemical Society Meeting (ECS 2000) - Toronto, Canada
Duration: 14 May 200018 May 2000

Publication series

NameProceedings - Electrochemical Society
ISSN (Print)0161-6374


Conference197th Electrochemical Society Meeting (ECS 2000)


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