Off-lattice Monte Carlo simulation of supramolecular polymer architectures

H.E. Amuasi, C. Storm

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We introduce an efficient, scalable Monte Carlo algorithm to simulate cross-linked architectures of freely jointed and discrete wormlike chains. Bond movement is based on the discrete tractrix construction, which effects conformational changes that exactly preserve fixed-length constraints of all bonds. The algorithm reproduces known end-to-end distance distributions for simple, analytically tractable systems of cross-linked stiff and freely jointed polymers flawlessly, and is used to determine the effective persistence length of short bundles of semiflexible wormlike chains, cross-linked to each other. It reveals a possible regulatory mechanism in bundled networks: the effective persistence of bundles is controlled by the linker density
Original languageEnglish
Article number2481051
Pages (from-to)2481051-1/4
JournalPhysical Review Letters
Issue number24
Publication statusPublished - 2010


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