Numerical modeling of pulverized iron flames in a multidimensional hot counterflow burner

Xu Wen (Corresponding author), Arne Scholtissek, Jeroen van Oijen, Jeffrey Bergthorson, Christian Hasse

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Pulverized iron flames stabilized in a multidimensional hot counterflow burner are simulated using a numerical model, which is extended from the state-of-the-art model developed by Hazenberg and van Oijen (PCI, 2021) considering unsteady effects. The results are compared to available experimental data (McRae et al., PCI, 2019), including particle image velocimetry measurements, a direct flame photo, the flow field velocity and the flame speed for different iron and oxygen concentrations. The comparison shows that the particle dynamics and flame shape can be reasonably well predicted. The flow field velocity and flame speed also show quantitative agreement between the simulation and the experiment. Based on the validated simulation results, the iron combustion characteristics, including the thermal structures and the multidimensional effects, are analyzed for different oxidizer environments. The analysis shows that the iron particles undergo a transition from kinetic-controlled regime (up to ignition) to a diffusion-controlled regime (burning) at the central axis for both environments with the particle temperature being higher than the gas temperature at the flame front, which is indicated by the Damköhler number. For the hot counterflow burner, there exist multidimensional effects, i.e., the temperature and Damköhler number change along the radial direction.

Original languageEnglish
Article number112572
Number of pages10
JournalCombustion and Flame
Publication statusPublished - Feb 2023

Bibliographical note

Funding Information:
This work was funded by the Hessian Ministry of Higher Education, Research, Science and the Arts - Clean Circles cluster project. Xu Wen acknowledges support through Marie Skłodowska-Curie Individual Fellowship (ID: 101025581) awarded by the European Commission under H2020-EU.1.3.2 scheme, and the fruitful discussions with Dr. Xiaocheng Mi at Eindhoven University of Technology.


This work was funded by the Hessian Ministry of Higher Education, Research, Science and the Arts - Clean Circles cluster project. Xu Wen acknowledges support through Marie Skłodowska-Curie Individual Fellowship (ID: 101025581) awarded by the European Commission under H2020-EU.1.3.2 scheme, and the fruitful discussions with Dr. Xiaocheng Mi at Eindhoven University of Technology.


  • Counterflow burner
  • Iron
  • Multidimensional effects
  • Particle combustion regime
  • Thermal structure analysis


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