Nucleation and growth kinetics for the crystallization of ice from dextrose solutions in a continuous stirred tank crystallizer with supercooled feed

N.J.J. Huige, M.M.G. Senden, H.A.C. Thijssen

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2 Citations (Scopus)


The crystallization of ice in aqueous dextrose solutions is studied in an adiabatic continuous stirred tank crystallizer with a supercooled feed stream. The effective diameter of the ice crystals was determined for various values of mean crystal residence time, feed supercooling, magma density, stirring rate, and dextrose concentration. For all process conditions the supercooling was measured at 9‐12 different locations in the crystallizer. These local supercoolings were averaged algebraically to yield the bulksupercooling. From the experimental results growth and nucleation rates have been calculated. By comparing the experimental growth rates to growth rates calculated by means of a mathematical model kinetics for the inbuilding of water molecules into the ice lattice have been determined. The growth rate appears to be directly proportional to the interface supercooling. The rate constant decreases exponentially with increasing weight percentage of dextrose in the solution. The nucleation rate was found to be directly proportional to total crystal surface per unit volume of suspension and proportional to the bulksupercooling to the power 2.1. Nucleation is believed to occur by breakage of dendrites from the surface of parent crystals.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)785-801
Number of pages17
JournalKristall und Technik
Issue number7
Publication statusPublished - 1973

Bibliographical note

Paper presented on the 5th Symposium on Industrial Crystallization, Chisa Congress Prague 1972.


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