Not Invented here: Managing Corporate Innovation in a New Era
External technology sourcing as a means to develop new businesses is taking a more
central role in established companies. Acquiring new technologies from outside the
firm which speeds up the innovation process and complements internal R&D is an
important aspect of new business development within the paradigm of open
innovation. It is becoming a requirement to create and sustain competitive advantage
in different product markets, and to respond quickly to changing market needs and
new technological opportunities.
Companies that co-develop technology or in-source external technology to set up new
business can choose from a myriad of different sourcing modes. Traditionally,
entrepreneurial firms have emphasized strategic alliances, joint ventures, license
agreements and mergers and acquisitions as means to source knowledge they do not
have in-house. More recently, firms have also become aware of other options such as
corporate venture capital investments and technology exploration in cooperation with
research labs, universities, high-tech start-ups or other large companies. Innovating
companies can choose between these external technology sourcing modes in order to
react in a flexible way to new technological developments and changing market
In this thesis I analyze the use of different governance modes for external technology
sourcing, incorporating a broad range of governance modes, such as technology
alliances, corporate venture capital investments, minority holdings, joint ventures,
and mergers and acquisitions. The main research question that serves as a basis for
the project is: How do companies use different governance modes for external
technology sourcing? The thesis can be split up in three sub-questions, each of which
is tackled in a different chapter.
The first part of the thesis focuses on the effect of uncertainty on the governance
choice for inter-organizational technology sourcing. I argue that uncertainty can be
roughly divided into two groups: exogenous uncertainty, which is unaffected by firm's
actions, and endogenous uncertainty, which is embedded in the relationship and can
be reduced by actions of the firm. Exogenous uncertainty includes environmental
turbulence and technological newness. When the environment is turbulent,
innovating firms attach more value in keeping their options open. In addition, when
an innovating firm intends to source nascent technologies, uncertainty about the
future business potential of the technology is very high. Hence, under conditions of
exogenous uncertainty, firms will prefer to maximize flexibility and prefer to make
small (learning) investments, which facilitate reversibility of actions in combination
with low degrees of financial commitments.
Uncertainty may also exist within a technology sourcing relationship. For instance,
when two partners have a relatively small technological overlap (i.e. when the
technological distance is high) it might be difficult for the investing firm to recognize
and absorb its partner's technological capabilities. On the one hand, this might lead to
a preference for more integrated modes which require a higher level of integration in
order to increase the efficiency of the transfer and accumulation of knowledge. On the
other hand, the greater the dissimilarities in the knowledge bases, the longer it will
take before uncertainty about the opportunity has resolved, making a higher level of
commitment less attractive. Another indicator for endogenous uncertainty is the
existence of prior cooperation between the partners. Prior cooperation can be used to
overcome information asymmetry among partners, which occurs when they do not
have access to all the relevant information to make an investment decision. Therefore,
we expect that prior cooperation enhances the willingness of companies to enter into a
relationship that involves a higher level of commitment. However, one might also
argue that prior cooperation enhances the building of trust between partners, thus
making a more integrated solution less favorable.
The results show a clear preference for particular governance modes, depending on
the type of uncertainty. Under high levels of environmental turbulence, non-equity
technology alliances are clearly the most favorable option. Technological newness has
a strong, negative effect on the likelihood of using M&As and joint ventures instead of
non-equity alliances. However, the results also show a clear preference for the use of
CVC over non-equity alliances. A larger technological distance between two firms also
increases the chance to use CVC investments over non-equity alliances, whereas
minority holdings are the least favored option. The strong preference for CVCs to
source externally developed technology that is distant from the focal firms technology
core shows the particular role CVCs play in external technology sourcing. Finally,
when prior cooperation between firms exists, we find that minority holdings and joint
ventures are preferred over non-equity alliances, but we find no differential effect
between the use of non-equity alliances and M&As. The results furthermore suggest
that exogenous uncertainty is a much more powerful driver behind governance mode
decisions than relationship-specific uncertainty. A high level of environmental
uncertainty leads firms to choose less integrated governance modes, such as non147
equity alliances and CVC investments, over their more integrated counterparts.
Uncertainty about the future thus drives firms to make small, reversible investments.
This enables firms to learn about business opportunities through small, learning
investments and to put off stronger financial commitment until uncertainty about the
opportunity has decreased.
It is also worth noting that the existence of a continuum from less to more integrated
governance modes is not confirmed. Based on the literature, I proposed a ranking
from less to more integrated governance modes, ranging from non-equity alliances,
corporate venture capital investments, minority holdings, joint ventures and M&As.
However, the results from the ordinal and multinomial logit analyses show no
support for an ordinal ranking of the different external sourcing modes as has been
suggested in prior studies.
In the second part of this thesis, I discuss the added value of corporate venture capital
investments as a means to source new technologies and the effect on a company's
subsequent innovative performance. Corporate venture capital investments are
minority equity investments in young, start-up firms and during recent years, these
types of investments have received increased attention both in academia as well as in
business. I argue that corporate venture capital investments positively affect the
innovation performance of firms, even when controlling for other modes of external
knowledge sourcing. In addition, it is argued that corporate venture capital
investments are complements rather than substitutes to other external sourcing
modes, because they enable access to new technologies in the earliest stages of
technology development, while other modes are more appropriate for later stages or
less explorative technology acquisition. Using corporate venture capital investments in
combination with the more traditional modes of technology sourcing will therefore
positively affect the innovative performance of investing firms.
The main empirical results indicate that corporate venture capital investments have a
direct, positive effect on innovative output of investing firms, even when controlling
for other modes of external technology sourcing. Moreover, the results support our
suggestion that different governance modes are complementary. External governance
modes appear to reinforce rather than substitute each other. Moreover, we see a
steady increase in the coefficient of the respective interaction terms with non-equity
alliances, equity alliances, and M&As, indicating that the complementarity of external
technology sourcing increases when the different sourcing modes become more
distinct. In other words, governance modes that are alike in terms of flexibility and the
targeted knowledge can also serve as substitutes. For instance, corporate venture
capital investments and non-equity alliances are both loosely-coupled governance
modes that involve a high level of flexibility. The preference for one of the two modes
when sourcing early stage technologies might then be contingent upon other factors,
making non-equity alliances and corporate venture capital investments substitutes
rather than complements. Equity alliances and M&As, on the other hand, are much
more distinct from corporate venture capital investments, making substitutability less
The last part of the thesis is oriented towards the explorative nature of external
technology sourcing. In this chapter, I analyze the effect of corporate venture capital
investments, non-equity alliances, equity alliances and M&As on the generation of
pioneering technologies. Pioneering technologies are technologies that are new to the
world and do not refer to prior patents. When considering the creation of pioneering
technologies it is thus important to look at both organizational and technological
boundary-spanning. Organizational boundary-spanning can take the form of engaging
in inter-organizational relationships, for instance through strategic alliances,
corporate venture capital investments and mergers and acquisitions. Because different
external technology sourcing modes enable access to different types of technologies, it
is important to disentangle them in order to estimate their individual impact.
Technological boundary-spanning, on the other hand, can be achieved through the
investment in distantly related technological knowledge, or by investing in recently
developed technologies. In this chapter I analyze the effect of different external
technology sourcing modes on the generation of pioneering technologies. Because
different governance modes facilitate access to different types of knowledge in
different stages of development, I argue that they affect exploration outcomes
differently as well. Strategic alliances and corporate venture capital investments, for
instance, are loosely integrated governance modes that allow the focal firm to remain
flexible when investing in external knowledge. Mergers and acquisitions, on the other
hand, are more integrated and therefore embody a lower level of flexibility.
Additionally, I link these governance modes to the newness of the technology a firm
invests in and the technological distance between the investor and its partner. Both
technological newness and technological distance affect the extent to which the
knowledge acquired matches the absorptive capacity embedded in the organization
and hence the effectiveness with which the external knowledge can be internalized.
The results indicate that loosely coupled linkages such as strategic alliances (nonequity
as well as equity) and corporate venture capital investment have a positive effect
on the creation of breakthrough innovations. Moreover, I find that a larger
technological distance between the two partnering firms increases the effect this
organizational mode has on the creation of pioneering technologies, while
technological newness decreases the positive effect of CVC investments and nonequity
alliances on the creation of pioneering technologies. Interestingly, although
corporate venture capital investments are clearly the most favorable option when
investing in new technologies, the results show that the largest impact on the creation
of pioneering technologies does not come from investing in CVC investments. Rather,
pioneering technologies stem from collaboration through a non-equity or equity
alliance. Moreover, even though CVC investments are most likely to be used for
recent technologies or technologies that are on a larger technological distance, the
results suggest that the effect of CVC investments on the generation of pioneering
technologies is not enhanced by technological distance, nor by technological newness.
In fact, CVC investments as well as non-equity alliances benefit more from investing
in older technologies, indicating that recent knowledge is not necessarily related to the
creation of radical technologies.
To conclude, we might say that the external sourcing of knowledge is becoming more
and more important in the development of new businesses. Companies therefore
need to develop a set of methods or guidelines in order to efficiently in-source external
technologies. The choice between different modes of governance plays an important
role in this process. As shown in this study, external sourcing modes differ in their
characteristics and the role they play in the innovation process. In addition, the results
show that the mix of different governance modes is an important driver behind
innovative performance. Each of the governance modes has advantages and
disadvantages, depending on the motives that drive the external sourcing decision.
Matching these motives with the appropriate governance choice is a major challenge
for firms. Therefore, it is crucial for companies to have a clear view on their
innovation strategy.
Original language | English |
Qualification | Doctor of Philosophy |
Awarding Institution |
Supervisors/Advisors |
Award date | 7 Nov 2007 |
Place of Publication | Eindhoven |
Publisher | |
Print ISBNs | 978-90-386-1155-6 |
DOIs | |
Publication status | Published - 2007 |