New linear plasma devices in the trilateral euregio cluster for an integrated approach to plasma surface interactions in fusion reactors

B. Unterberg, R.J.E. Jaspers, W.A.J. Vijvers, J.J. Zielinski, [No Value] et al

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32 Citations (Scopus)


New linear plasma devices are currently being constructed or planned in the Trilateral Euregio Cluster (TEC) to meet the challenges with respect to plasma surface interactions in DEMO and ITER: i) MAGNUMPSI (FOM), a high particle and power flux device with super-conducting magnetic field coils which will reach ITER-like divertor conditions at high magnetic field, ii) the newly proposed linear plasma device JULE-PSI (FZJ), which will allow to expose toxic and neutron activated target samples to ITER-like fluences and ion energies including in vacuo analysis of neutron activated samples, and iii) the plasmatron VISION I, a compact plasma device which will be operated inside the tritium lab at SCK-CEN Mol, capable to investigate tritium plasmas and moderately activated wall materials. This contribution shows the capabilities of the new devices and their forerunner experiments (Pilot-PSI at FOM and PSI-2 Ju¨lich at FZJ) in view of the main objectives of the new TEC program on plasma surface interactions.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1797-1800
JournalFusion Engineering and Design
Issue number9-11
Publication statusPublished - 2011


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